2009年8月4日 星期二

A DNA barcode for land plants


DNA barcoding involves sequencing a standard region of DNA as a tool for species identification. However, there has been no agreement on which region(s) should be used for barcoding land plants. To provide a community recommendation on a standard plant barcode, we have compared the performance of 7 leading candidate plastid DNA regions (atpF–atpH spacer, matK gene, rbcL gene, rpoB gene, rpoC1 gene, psbK–psbI spacer, and trnH–psbA spacer). Based on assessments of recoverability, sequence quality, and levels of species discrimination, we recommend the 2-locus combination of rbcLmatK as the plant barcode. This core 2-locus
barcode will provide a universal framework for the routine use of DNA sequence data to identify specimens and contribute toward the discovery of overlooked species of land plants.

DNA條碼就是定序一段標準的DNA序列當成物種鑑定的工具。然而,在陸生植物卻一直沒有取得共識要使用哪一段DNA片段作為條碼。為了提供標準化的植物條碼,作者們比較了七段DNA片段(atpF–atpH spacer, matK gene, rbcL gene, rpoB gene, rpoC1 gene, psbK–psbI spacer, and trnH–psbA spacer)。根據可重複性的評估、序列品質和物種鑑別的程度,作者們建議同時使用兩段DNA,分別是rbcL和matK。這兩段DNA能夠提供一個通用的架構,讓使用DNA序列資料來鑑定植物的工作上軌道,並且也將對發現植物的物種有所貢獻。

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