2009年8月16日 星期日


《中英對照讀新聞》Acupuncture used to improve flavour of tuna for sushi/針灸讓壽司用的鮪魚更美味

Their prized terriers are given samba-dancing lessons, their choicest beef herds are treated to daily massages and now, in an effort to produce the most delicious sushi in the world, Japanese tuna are to be given acupuncture.


The company in Osaka that patented the technique claimed that calm tuna thrashed about less in their death throes. Once the fish have received the brief treatment the blood becomes purer and the flesh has a better flavour, Toshiro Urabe, the president of the Osakana Planning Company, said.


The tuna do not need to be dosed with chemicals to keep them tasting fresh during transportation.


The acupuncture can be used on bream and the company plans to begin testing it on salmon.


"With their costs rising every day, Japanese fishermen cannot compete in these markets any more," Mr Urabe said. "This is about giving them the chance to give the fish they catch added value."


The treatment was exhibited at the International Japan Seafood Show but where the needles are inserted remains a secret.


Many of the exhibitors and buyers at the show said that a boom in the demand for sushi was pushing their businesses towards crisis. Japan, which used to be able to supply its own seafood, now has to import fish.



choicest:choice當形容詞用時,指「上等的、精選的」,這裡是最高級的用法。例句:The shop was selling choice apples, so I bought 3 pounds.(那家店在賣上選蘋果,所以我買了3磅。)

thrash:翻跳,扭動。例句:Fishes thrashed about in the net.


death throes:名詞,處於臨終痛苦中。throe指劇痛。


